
What My Clients Say


What My Clients Say 〰️

Haley Cirka- I am so shocked! Just three months ago if I had had that same situation come up at my work (she is a new Dr. working in the Emergency room) I would not have been able to handle it! I would have been triggered and activated with anxiety for days. But this time I could actually use all the tools you taught me for stress management to calm my overactive brain and nervous system down which got me grounded again and then I could calmly deal with the situation at hand more easily and reasonably and calmly so I could do my job properly and have a more productive and happy day going forward. I definitely feel like my Nervous System is Regulated again and see where I have more of a Mind-Body Connection.

Natalie Hilton - I virtually felt at ease on our first session.  Jill was quite gentle, empathetic and unassuming in her approach. We quickly developed a rapport and had successful sessions.  Jill was intuitive when it came to asking questions about my life, my emotions and my self-image.

Jill provided a range of skills and techniques to help me manage my anxiety, ease up on self-criticism which helped me develop a positive self-image and become more functional my daily life.

I found our sessions greatly helpful to begin my journey towards personal transformation by achieving functional, psychological and emotional well-being. Personal Transformation

I would recommend Jill to anyone who has emotional and psychological issues and who does not know where to begin in their road to recovery and ultimate goal of well-being

Five stars out of five.

Sharlene King - Great sessions with Jill! She listens intently while being compassionate and understanding of situations that were brought up. It was nice to hear brief stories of her own as that recognized how she connected. Breathe and body work were so much what I needed and her techniques were quite soothing so much so that I found inner peace.

Andrew Brooks - Working with Jill in her Lotus Opens program was a very healing journey. Her entire process to working with me was outstanding. She was very empathetic and understood my path to achieving healing from childhood trauma, PTSD and anxiety. I fully recommend anyone that wants to heal from past wounds to consult with her and begin your healing journey.

Jill made me feel safe during our coaching session. She was empathetic, non-judgmental, and understanding. She allowed the space I needed to become curious about what was really going on internally. She made me feel safe enough to share vulnerable parts. You will benefit greatly by working with Jill!

~ Toni Lifsey

I feel very safe, sharing my deepest secrets and my deepest fears and my biggest traumas with Jill as  it’s brought me closer to fixing them than I have in all the years of my counselling I have done in the past 30 years. She has given me lots of good exercises that I find works very well in grounding myself, and creating a security within myself.

I feel that Jill has found her passion to help others in yet another way to make them feel prettier on the outside by helping them heal in the inside.

Jill is a beautiful, compassionate, patient, kind, great listener, yet knows how to be strong and confident in telling us how to cope or work on our issues.

 I’m so glad she’s doing this for everybody and her self as well.

💗💗💗 ~Juliska Vanderzee

When I came to Jill I was extremely stressed out. I could barely think anymore I was so overwhelmed and my nervous system was in overdrive. During our sessions Jill helped me get to the root of the exhaustion and pain I was dealing with, helped me process it with her somatic techniques and body tools she uses and taught me some great practices I can use going forward. I can't imagine where I would be without her. Probably still in that big mess! Now I feel more like myself - back to high self esteem, feeling confident to stick up for myself, calm & grounded in my body and so grateful for such a great experience with her. I highly recommend anyone struggling in life to see Jill Palmer! She is very skilled and knowledgeable in what she does and is Certified in being Trauma Informed so very empathetic, compassionate, present and trusting.

~ Kerri Silverston

Client can now fly on an airplane after teaching her tools & practices to calm her anxiousness and panic attacks!

Client can now set boundaries and has done away with people pleasing! Better results than with last 3 psychologists!